Deep Roots - Activate your spiritual gifts

Your transformational journey

  • Unlock powerful wisdom, natural, healing energy and activate spiritual gifts.
  • Enhance spiritual development, embody your soul essence or become a certified Akashic records reader.
Find a wide range of online courses that help you strengthen your transformational process, reconnect to your true self and all you spiritual gifts.

Exercises and teachings that vitalize your body and subtle bodies, help you release karmic blockages, and limiting, painful beliefs.

Start out with one of the mini courses below and add more later if you like.

(There is an abundance of clients seeking healing. We need more healers!)

Become a Certified Deep Roots healer

In this course you're getting:

  • Concrete technique for healing yourself and others.
  • Initiation into a powerfull group of healers, who will help you, achieve powerful results right from start!
  • Techniques for grounding and connecting with the highest possible source.
  • A safe space for working with accountability partner, practice clients(made available to you), getting feedback and gaining self confidence.
  • A loving fb-group for asking questions and sharing.

When the course has ended you'll be part of a network of healers, to support, share and ask questions. 

Practice in your own time.
Q & A video meetings for sharing regularly.

Certified deep roots healer
Embodiment Journey

Divine Feminine Grail Healing

Do advanced healing work - Become a Certified Grail healer

Feel a deep longing to know your inner soul self?

This new advanced healer course:

  • Activates physical cells as space holders for your soul qualities so you become divine presense in your own life and the lives of others
  • Activates your heart
  • Initiates you to embody higher, wider and deeper frequencies
  • Activates a personal relationship with the spiritual world
  • Helps you release old blocks and restrictions in your own energy field
  • Helps you become a powerfull healer with techniques that are unique and known by few healers

Powerful tools for empaths

Use your empath skills for empowering yourself and no longer getting drained by your surroundings!

Powerful tools for empaths helps you:

  • Being active in the world without feeling drained by your surroundings
  • Heal deep inner pain
  • Discover and realize your deepest dreams in life, by removing the blockages and negative beliefs that have been holding you back
  • Heal old negative thought patterns
  • Open to feminine empowering magic
  • Avoid getting drained by your surroundings

Buy now : 34€

Powerful tools for empaths
Certified Akashic records healer

Become a Certified Akashic Records Consultant & Healer

(We need english speaking healers for our many clients. All our consultants have waitlists - Follow the program and get your own waiting list 4 months from now!)

Learn a powerful healing modality, while going through an intensive healing proces yourself:

  • Get initiated into the Akashic Records and learn the tool to communicate with the guides there, remove blockages and determine soul essens, purpose and qualities.
  • Heal deep inner frustration and pain
  • Learn embodiment techniques that get you feeling powerfully present in your daily life and in touch with your spiritual self at the same time. 
  • Get unlimited support in our loving group for all spiritual development issues, sharing and technical support.
  • Open to your feminine strenght and magic
  • Join powerful group of healers/entrepreneurs, supporting each other in building a business.
  • Guidance in building a business
  • Be a part of our english website for Akashic Record consultants and receive clients from a growing mailing list
  • Includes all courses below: - The Embodiment Journey, - Powerful tools for empaths and - Become a Deep Roots healer

This course is a Master class after completing the courses below.

Anneli gang

About Anneli 

For 13 years I have been helping others in the proces of letting go of old painful blockages and opening to psychic abilities.

Greatly inspired by own journey and all the powerful teachers on my path.

My focus is on spiritual growth, as the root of our pain and frustration lies in our innate deep longing for our soul.

When releasing karma and acknowledging our soul essence, we are automatically reconnected to spiritual gifts, psychic powers og deep contentment.

When we are not in contact with this level of our being, we suffer and experience pain and frustration in our physical lives.

On our awakening journey our psychic and souls abilities naturally open up. 

Through 30 years of spiritual development, I have put together online courses with the most powerfull exercises, that will reconnect you to your soul, your strengths and to spiritual freedom.

I will be honored to serve you on your journey 

💝Love Anneli - Deep Roots

  • Deep Roots

    “One of the best gifts I have ever given myself”

    Akashic records consultant & healer, psychotherapist

  • Deep Roots

    “By doing what you LOVE, you INSPIRE and awaken the hearts of others is exactly what I always meet with Anne Li”

    Akashic Record Consultant & Healer

  • Deep Roots

    “It's something close to the best I've ever done, and now I can remove all the blockages that come my way and my loved ones' way, and I'm also already had my first paying client. The education has a good structure and it is reasonably easy to get through. But the best part is that it's all just mega exciting. I have never bothered to study, but with this, I looked forward every day to getting started with the day's reading. And now I can not get enough of doing readings and house cleaning.”

    Akashic records healer & consultant, nurse

  • Deep Roots

    “It has simply been the wildest journey ... I do not regret at all a penny of the money I have spent on this training, despite the fact that it was actually one of the great mental challenges I had in the beginning. I have developed so much personally. I have become more aware of what I want in life in general. I have been given a sea of tools both for the academic, but also to live my life from.
    I have become more openmided about people's diversity and accepting others as they are and seeing things from their angle. I am 100% more at home in myself. I stand so strong. I've got a huge network of support. That group on facebook is worth gold.
    I do not regret any part of it.

    I'm just so grateful so thank you thank you thank you ;-)”

    Akashic records consultant and healer

  • Deep Roots

    “Jeg er igang med uddannelse hos Anneli. Hun er fantastisk. Dygtig, nærværende og autentisk ❤️”

    Akashic master healer & consultant

  • Embodiment journey Embodiment Journey

    Experience profound and healing transformation in only 21 days!


    • Deeper contact with your soul essence and natural Spiritual abilities
    • Getting out of your head and distracting thoughts, feeling states of bliss
    • Flow of energy, joy and growing feeling of self-worth
    • Deeper understanding of who you are at soul level
    • Stress relief
    • Insight in what no longer serves you and your natural intuition showing you to your highest path and purpose
    • You begin making choices that serve your growth and contentment
    • Spiritual abilities growing stronger, without leaving you open or harmed by negative energy
    • Deep healing and karmic cleanse

    Spend 20-30 minutes every day, with these simple exercises that will change your vibration and outlook on life

    CLICK HERE to learn more about other Deep Roots Online courses

    DKK 1,200.00

    “I have never experienced my body in this way before. It's great to be home.”

    Embodiment Journey

  • Embodiment journey Embodiment Journey

    Experience profound and healing transformation in only 21 days!


    • Deeper contact with your soul essence and natural Spiritual abilities
    • Getting out of your head and distracting thoughts, feeling states of bliss
    • Flow of energy, joy and growing feeling of self-worth
    • Deeper understanding of who you are at soul level
    • Stress relief
    • Insight in what no longer serves you and your natural intuition showing you to your highest path and purpose
    • You begin making choices that serve your growth and contentment
    • Spiritual abilities growing stronger, without leaving you open or harmed by negative energy
    • Deep healing and karmic cleanse

    Spend 20-30 minutes every day, with these simple exercises that will change your vibration and outlook on life

    CLICK HERE to learn more about other Deep Roots Online courses

    DKK 1,200.00

    “I feel that its so important for us highly this time to ground ourselves...
    And we who work with spirit... in different ways...mediumship... psycich... creativity...all this... the importans to be in the body... present...
    Its so easy to fly away... and get lost in other peoples energys...feel to much...
    I got really sick of not listening to my body... was to much in my grad...out flying...out of my body😅so i know... this is so important...Anne Li! this work you do ! It is really needed in the world right now❤️”

    Embodiment Journey

  • Embodiment journey Embodiment Journey

    Experience profound and healing transformation in only 21 days!


    • Deeper contact with your soul essence and natural Spiritual abilities
    • Getting out of your head and distracting thoughts, feeling states of bliss
    • Flow of energy, joy and growing feeling of self-worth
    • Deeper understanding of who you are at soul level
    • Stress relief
    • Insight in what no longer serves you and your natural intuition showing you to your highest path and purpose
    • You begin making choices that serve your growth and contentment
    • Spiritual abilities growing stronger, without leaving you open or harmed by negative energy
    • Deep healing and karmic cleanse

    Spend 20-30 minutes every day, with these simple exercises that will change your vibration and outlook on life

    CLICK HERE to learn more about other Deep Roots Online courses

    DKK 1,200.00

    “❤️❤️You are amazing! I really resonates with what you talk about...Im listening to your meditations every good.. im also very open to i really need be more in my body... ❤️🙏🏻Thank you for doing this beautiful work”

    Embodiment Journey